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Leadership & Dropping The Need To Prove Yourself


 You don’t need to prove yourself and demonstrate what you can bring to the table when…

You’re FULLY embodied in your complete natural essence.

When you know who you are.


Your energy speaks louder than anything else.

It’s the way you talk, even when you’re silent.

It’s the way you move.

It’s the way you look.

It’s the way you be.

It’s the way you live.

It’s the way you believe. In yourself.

It’s the full spectrum of who you are.

Your feminine and your masculine energetics.

Your strengths and your human sides.

Operating in an artful sensual dance of synergy.

No parts of you is disregarded.

Everything about you is honored as you come into one full MASTERPIECE.

People FEEL you from the first time they meet you.

It’s not much of your appearance they judge you on.

Its not even what you say.

it’s about how you come across, meaning:

the way you make them FEEL…

within the first few minutes of meeting you.

You truly do NOT have to prove yourself to anyone, including YOURSELF when you reach that level of inner synergy 🔥

It all starts with self love.

Nurturing and healing whatever is out of tune inside of your soul.

Learning to mother and reparent yourself, basically becoming the mother you needed when you were a child.

Removing any learned behaviors (in human design we call it conditioning) and reprogram yourself to be who you were created initially as.

God makes ABSOLUTELY NO mistakes and he didn’t start with you, nor the way he made you. 🙌🏽

You were innately created with that synergy.

It’s during the first 7 years of your life that you have learned to become who your environment wanted you to be.

If that environment wasn’t protective enough of your needs, it taught you to adapt to a leaned behavior and way of thinking that’s NOT naturally yours.

Thankfully these conditionings can be unlearned but it take DEEP work that only a certified professional can lead you through.

And that’s precisely how I help and support my clients.

One of the modalities I use is hypnotherapy and it’s one of the most POWERFUL way to lead you to inner synergy.

I will be covering more on that inside of my upcoming virtual event The EPIC Self love Slumber Party 🎉

I’m telling you, you’re in for a TREAT!

If this post speaks to your soul, I want you to join us from the link in below 😘

The GodFident Woman
Leadership & Dropping The Need To Prove Yourself | Join The EPIC Self-Love Slumber Party here:

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