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Successful And Yet Unhappy? A Read For Women In Business

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How I Find Joy & Happiness Through my business 🙌🏽🔥

As we know, so MANY successful people chose to end their lives and from an outside perspective, we’re often left out wondering why?

Money doesn’t bring happiness we often hear…
and it’s absolutely true, but only if you make your business/career be only about earning more and more money.

But most precisely if you only focus on building in ways that don’t spark joy or excitement. If you also focus on building it the way it “should” be done, meaning following other people’s way of doing things, that doesn’t build REAL fulfillment within you.

You’ll be left out resenting it all.

Fulfillment, joy, and the journey of mastery…

All of these are intertwined.

I’m often hearing others telling me that I work “too much” as a multiple small business owner.

And let me tell you this:
I honestly don’t FEEL like I do simply because to me work is PLAY.
Blame it on my Capricorn traits or on my generator human design with heart center defined.

I was literally CODED to find JOY, happiness, and fulfillment through my work.

Most people don’t because they have been trained to only work to reach a goal.

And mostly when it comes to most “leadership” level employees, rewards are given only when said goals are being met…

Just like sex. Men are pleasured when their end comes up BUT women are pleasured throughout the journey.

Success and I mean the kind that sparks fulfillment and joy is in the JOURNEY.

I built every one of my businesses around what sparks excitement for me because, in the journey is what has created the 6 figures.

Following MY OWN inspirations and gut nudges.
Trusting that I’m always guided the right way. NO matter what.

Even when it definitely doesn’t look like it, at first.
Letting the journey be the journey.

Finding grounded trust within me.

Ups and downs, learnings and celebrations.
All of it. And hitting the high monthly $ goals 🥂

All of it is a journey and mastering your God-given talents, mastering your self-leadership is a journey that will bring you fulfillment, AND $$. Now, THIS is wealth.

THIS… is success.

And THAT is precisely what I help my clients with 👌🏽🥂

I’m opening spots for my private coaching “Leadership By Design “ and you’d be CRAZY 😜 to miss out on this!

2 FULL weeks of voice message support, beautifully crowned with your PERSONALIZED Complete Human Design report axed towards your career/business 🤯

✅ So that you get to know yourself inside out like NEVER before. And STOP 🙅🏻‍♀️ looking for answers outside of yourself or jumping from coach to coach

✅ Know with CLARITY how to MAGNETIZE others/customers and what they crave from YOU 😍🔥

✅ Upgrade to get your OWN content prompts so that you NEVER wonder what to post/share with your audience

✅ Learn to MAXIMIZE your energy so that your work feels in FLOW 🙌🏽🔥

Link: HERE

📲 DM me on IG if you have any Qs, I’m happy to chat 😘

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