Girlfriend Vs Wife Energy & Self Confidence

Why I don’t believe in being someone’s girlfriend

& How Breaking The Number ONE dating Rule, Changed my ENTIRE Life.

Warning ⚠️ This post contains:
  • Unpopular opinions
  • Major triggers
  • Very colorful language (because I’m very passionate about the topic and will NOT apologize for any of the following)

As the majority of people I dated and also had many relationships.

Although I always knew I wanted to get married at some point.
I also bought into the popular 💩 beliefs that those days I HAD to be a girlfriend for at least a year or more to “convince” a guy I was wife material. Move in with them, travel, cook and clean for them too. And guess what that didn’t work.
I ended up with a list of failed relationships that I wish I never entered into. Self-loathing, leaving me with having to recover from them each one of them every time.
But when I had enough of this BS, I simply decided that I wasn’t going to be anyone’s girlfriend.
I would simply date until it would be time to get married.
I didn’t care about the popular lies running around anymore.
I had stopped believing that having a high number of boyfriends was something cool and brag-worthy. I mean, have you heard of that TikTok trend called “body count”?
Seriously ewwwwww TF!
I knew one thing that was for SUUUURE is that based on my experience I knew for CERTAIN that when a man wants you, and I mean, REALLY wants you, he will pursue you and do ANYTHING in his power to get you.
And additionally, if he thinks you’re the one, he will pursue putting a ring on it until YOU say YES.
So I held onto that knowledge and I started dating differently. And I went against THE MOST popular dating rule!
From the very FIRST date (Oh yes you are reading this right) I was crystal clear that I wasn’t their next girlfriend but I was looking for my husband.
I can’t tell you how much I deeply appreciated doing that because that IMMEDIATELY removed any guys who were only looking for fun and get me to give wife duties on a girlfriend plan.
Only a handful remained and eventually pretty quickly I found my one and only 💝
Now that didn’t stop here.
Having changed the way I saw relationships changed the way I saw everything else because again everything in life is a relationship.
With yourself, friends, and business.
So I pondered more on the subject throughout the years and as a business owner I realized that:
When I am in the market for something I’m a quick buyer.
Meaning, it really doesn’t take me ages to buy something.
Not because I’m an impulsive buyer, (and a lot of people tried to make me believe that) but because I always already know what I’m looking for and when I see it I COMMIT to the purchase.
I don’t need tricks or a manipulative false sense of urgency to convince me (I can see right through them)
The truth is that A LOT OF PEOPLE are people who are ready to commit!
And yes a lot of people are afraid of it too. BUUUTTTT!
It doesn’t mean that we must bend ourselves over backward to convince! Seriously, F.U.C.K the Convincing energy!
And prove what we “bring to the table” (I F’ing hate this term by the way 🤣)
In business or career, a whole lot of the gurus will teach you the convincing strategies to sell…
But again, from the bottom of my heart F.U.C.K that!
There are people out there ALREADY looking for what YOU offer AND are READY AND WILLING to commit to THEMSELVES by buying from YOU.
There are people out there who want to have friendships with people like YOU, YES!
AND will show their commitment to your relationship by showing the F up for you.
The girlfriend energy is the life where you have to prove yourself and keep giving away free test drives like it’s “nobody’s business” to prove what you can “bring to the mother fucking table”.
(Ths one is for my fellow entrepreneurs: Free challenges, Freebies, Free tips, Free shipping, Free products, Free samples… you name it. Free 99 yourself in every possible way. Bend over and give yourself for FREE.)
Do you think that Chanel, LV, Bugatti, or Ferrari give away free shit anything??? Free anything only brings in LOW vibes of EVERYTHING.
Whereas, The Wife Energy is KNOWING with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that you are ONE of a kind. VALUABLE.
Irreplaceable. 👑
And worthy of being committed to 💯 !!!
You bring QUALITY into everything you do.
And others see it, they feel it, and they fuckin’ LOVE it!
Your energy is VALUABLE to them. ✅
That’s why they stick around and want to keep doing so. They show you genuine LOVE and SUPPORT you fully.
Now after learning this all, I embody this WHOLEHEARTEDLY. I only deal with people and clients who are ready to commit to themselves and value my energy because I am READY to commit to them and their success in return.
I know myself in and out. As a Human Design Generator, I naturally radiate a strong frequency, and so If you can’t feel or see the value of my energy from the get-go, I’m not for you and you are not for me. And it’s OK.
I’m NOT afraid of walking away from things or people, even if they seem like amazing opportunities on the surface of things.
I’m not here to convince you of my value. I already know I’m BEYOND valuable.
Because I have done the inner work to elevate myself to that frequency.
And that’s EXACTLY what I mentor my clients on.
I take them onto an incredibly deep self-discovery journey and they come out of it CONFIDENT AF in their abilities and talents. COURAGEOUS and DARING. They drop any need to prove themselves.
In the deepest knowledge that they too are VALUABLE and ready to achieve things that they never even thought they could manifest in their 3D reality.
Their lives change completely and they thank me for that. I have lost count of times when I was told “you saved my life
Again QUALITY in my relationships 🙌🏽 👉🏽 that’s what I call the Wife energy.
If you are READY for it, let’s do THIS together!
Join Queen By Design for my immersive and life-CHANGING group experience. This is a very special membership. And SO much more than this!

It’s a FULLY immersive healing experience. I walk you, through a journey of self-discovery, based on Human Design experiments, that are geared toward helping you

genuinely fall in love with who YOU are.


My very unique multi-dimensional approach ensures that we tackle ALL the deepest areas that require healing.

We clear the shadows and heal any traumas that are weighing you down, with Hypnotherapy, Tapping, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Breathwork, Journaling, and Gene Keys. This is a ONE-OF-A-KIND holistic approach and you won’t need to work with different coaches at the same time.

If you feel called, Join Queen By Design for my immersive and life-CHANGING group experience.

OR if you prefer One-on-One support and desire to work on your career/business on top of this all:
Sovereign for my private mentoring support this is a 6-month immersive experience where we cover everything from Queen By Design and pivot your entire life based on your soul purpose.
Shift from longing for better to LIVING so much BETTER. We work together on deeply discovering what makes YOU so unique and special and make that the center of your life.
If monetizing your life purpose is what you want, then you’re in the RIGHT place! I’ve done that for myself and others, and if you’re feeling me right now, your name is next on the list!

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